Decimal to bytes and bytes to decimal transform.

[plum.decimal] Module Reference

The plum.decimal module provides the DecimalX transform for converting an fixed point number into bytes and bytes into an fixed point number with given precision. This reference page demonstrates creating and using a DecimalX transform as well as provides API details.


When packing, the given value may be rounded to fit into the given precision.

The examples shown on this page require the following setup:

>>> from plum.array import ArrayX
>>> from plum.decimal import DecimalX
>>> from plum.utilities import pack, unpack

Basic Use

The DecimalX transform accepts the following arguments:

nbytes:format size in bytes (any positive integer)
precision:number of digits of the fractional part
byteorder:"big" or "little" (default)
signed:True or False (default)
name:transform name (for representations including dump format column)

For example:

>>> u16p1 = DecimalX(name='u16p1', nbytes=2, precision=1, byteorder='big', signed=False)

Use the transform to specify a format when using the pack() and unpack() utility functions or when using other high level transforms:

>>> bindata = pack(value='25.8', fmt=u16p1)
>>> bindata.hex()
>>> unpack(fmt=u16p1, buffer=bindata)

API Reference

class plum.decimal.DecimalX(nbytes: int, precision: int, byteorder: Union[Literal[little], Literal[big]] = 'little', *, signed: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None)

Decimal to bytes and bytes to decimal transform.


Byte order (“little” or “big”).


Transform format name (for repr and dump “Format” column).


Transform format size in bytes.




Signed decimal.

pack(value: Any) → bytes

Pack value as formatted bytes.

Raises:PackError if type error, value error, etc.
pack_and_dump(value: Any) → Tuple[bytes, plum.dump.Dump]

Pack value as formatted bytes and produce bytes summary.

Raises:PackError if type error, value error, etc.
unpack(buffer: bytes) → Any

Unpack value from formatted bytes.

Raises:UnpackError if insufficient bytes, excess bytes, or value error
unpack_and_dump(buffer: bytes) → Tuple[Any, plum.dump.Dump]

Unpack value from bytes and produce packed bytes summary.

Raises:UnpackError if insufficient bytes, excess bytes, or value error