[plum] Tutorial: Packing Bytes

This tutorial demonstrates the various methods for packing Python objects into a sequence of bytes.

The tutorial examples use the following setup:

>>> from plum.bigendian import uint8, uint16
>>> from plum.structure import Structure, member
>>> from plum.utilities import pack
>>> class MyStruct(Structure):
...     m1: int = member(fmt=uint16)
...     m2: int = member(fmt=uint8)

Pack Utility Function

The following example shows a simple use of the pack() utility function for packing a Python object into a bytes sequence.

>>> pack(1, uint16)

The reference API and tutorial pages thoroughly cover the variations and won’t be repeated here.

Transform Pack Methods

All plum transforms support a pack() method that accepts a value and produces a sequence of bytes based on the properties of the transform:

>>> uint16.pack(1)
>>> MyStruct.pack(MyStruct(m1=1, m2=2))

Data store instances that have transform properties also support an “instance” (“i” for short) pack method to simplify obtaining the byte sequence:

>>> MyStruct(m1=1, m2=2).ipack()