Integer to bytes and bytes to integer transform.

[] Module Reference

The module provides the IntX transform for converting an integer number into bytes and bytes into an integer number. This reference page demonstrates creating and using a IntX transform as well as provides API details.

The examples shown on this page require the following setup:

>>> from plum.array import ArrayX
>>> from import IntX
>>> from plum.utilities import pack, unpack

Basic Use

The IntX transform accepts the following arguments:

nbytes:format size in bytes (any positive integer)
byteorder:"big" or "little" (default)
signed:True or False (default)
name:transform name (for representations including dump format column)

For example:

>>> uint8 = IntX(nbytes=1)
>>> sint16 = IntX(nbytes=2, byteorder="big", signed=True)

Use the transform to specify a format when using the pack() and unpack() utility functions or when using other high level transforms:

>>> fmt = [uint8, sint16]
>>> bindata = pack([1, -2], fmt)
>>> bindata.hex()
>>> unpack(fmt, bindata)
[1, -2]
>>> array2x2 = ArrayX(fmt=uint8, dims=(2, 2))
>>> bindata = pack([[1, 2], [3, 4]], fmt=array2x2)
>>> bindata.hex()
>>> unpack(array2x2, bindata)
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]


Use sys.byteorder as the IntX transform byteorder argument to get the same byte order as the architecture of the machine your script is running on.

API Reference

class int, byteorder: Union[Literal[little], Literal[big]] = 'little', *, signed: bool = False, dref: Union[Type[], plum.transform.Transform, None] = None, name: Optional[str] = None)

Integer to bytes and bytes to integer transform.


Byte order (“little” or “big”).


Transform format name (for repr and dump “Format” column).


Transform format size in bytes.


Signed integer.

pack(value: Any) → bytes

Pack value as formatted bytes.

Raises:PackError if type error, value error, etc.
pack_and_dump(value: Any) → Tuple[bytes, plum.dump.Dump]

Pack value as formatted bytes and produce bytes summary.

Raises:PackError if type error, value error, etc.
unpack(buffer: bytes) → Any

Unpack value from formatted bytes.

Raises:UnpackError if insufficient bytes, excess bytes, or value error
unpack_and_dump(buffer: bytes) → Tuple[Any, plum.dump.Dump]

Unpack value from bytes and produce packed bytes summary.

Raises:UnpackError if insufficient bytes, excess bytes, or value error